Concrete Constellations
Continuously spinning compass, empty map with guides, narrowcast broadcast of a looping sound.
City as a form of organised space stems out of a mixture of chaotic, guided and self-initiated processes. It’s a space of fiction, a stage, a dispositif which informs our rhythmical and repetitive patterns of action, our personal loops. Looping can be transformed into a mode of ritualistic behaviour which nullifies inherent structural imperatives in which we inhabit.
The installation invites to consider our personal loops, patterns of subjective behaviour in urban spaces with the intention of establishing a perfect repeat, and also, to a gathering on an island between the sea and the Linnahall, and on narrowcast frequencies — 59.448606, 24.753251 and 102,7 MHz.

Exhibition was held in Rundum Showcase — a small box-like exhibition space which was placed in an outdoor location in Tallinn chosen by the artist. The work and the exhibition space was eventually swallowed by the winter storm a week before the closing time.